Saturday, May 5, 2012

Luke's web show part 2. He is hilariously strange.

Breaking point

I would like to title this picture "breaking point." Taken a few minutes ago. We are all feeling like prisoners of our home lately. Dave is working his third consecutive week without a day off and I can't lug these kiddos out of the house anymore. It  = instant cramping and contracting. Poor boys just gaze out the window watching all of the fun baseball games going on in the park behind our house. Such a bad mom. I feel like the movie/book "Flowers in the Attic".
My due date is approaching and since my doctor said all along that he would induce me anywhere from may 6th on, it feels like tomorrow should officially be the end. But alas, he is out of town and I somehow ended up in the hands of a midwife who likes to make me feel like I am pure evil even bringing up the option of induction 3 days before my due date. Midwives are now at the top of my list of things that I can't handle during 39 weeks of pregnancy.
On a lighter note, life could be a whole lot worse than getting to hang out at home with my healthy boys waiting on a sister babe to arrive. So really we are doing great.

Best invention ever. I really need to get one of these. This was at our partners in medicine party at the gymnastics center. Kept boys very entertained!
Morning snuggles
Getting things set up for the new arrival. These guys climb all over the swing and push it back and forth like crazy. The baby might not be spending very much time in here.
Releasing his grown butterflies

Baby may not get her own nursery but she gets lots of fun, bright outfits.
These guys are totally interacting these days and entertaining one another. So fun.
Nightly naked chaos.
Luke convinced Dave that he doesn't need to go to the gym to get a good workout.Very proud of Luke's form and perfectly pointed toes.
Bottoms up sleepers
I guess we get out sometimes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Luke's web show