Monday, April 27, 2009

Perfect pearly whites

This little dude just got back from his first dentist appointment, which will not interest anyone but me and possibly his dentist uncles.
Outcome: excellent, cavity-free, plenty of space for permanent teeth, and one chipped front tooth.
Best of all Luke loved every minute of it! He was secretly smiling the whole time. He loved the dentist (who looked more like an NBA player than a dentist), the movie playing, the chair that reminded him of the Disneyland rides, the toy at the end, all of the high fiving and he even enjoyed the teeth cleaning strangely enough. Good boy Luke, you can add excellent dental patient to your resume.

Grandma came to town

My mom and Luke's Ma came to visit. It was so fun having her. Luke only cried twice. Once when we left the hotel and he other time was when he woke up in the car and looked over to see that my mom was gone. We dropped her off at the airport while he napped in the car. He was so sad! We have missed you lots! Thanks for everything. Thanks for...
cuddling Luke
the super cool rubber snake that Luke brings everywhere
the fun night stay at the Wigwam
cleaning our house from top to bottom for the last minute open house and numerous random showings
treating us to some scrumptious meals
swimming at the Wigwam
and being such a fun Grandma!