Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What 36 weeks is looking like...

Do I look ready or what?

The nursery. We really didn't do much in here. I bought two new sets of crib bedding for $50 all together and we bought a crib from one of Luke's classmates for $50 and that is about it. Nothing too exciting other than those amazing little hats that my mother-in-law made.
This is the newer crib that I had visions of painting. When it really came down to it all of those slats just made me want cry. I decided that a matching room was not worth the battle this time around and that the baby probably wouldn't appreciate those paint fumes.
I commissioned a local artist to draw these abstract pictures of the boys. He charged me 50 cents a pic and then used the money to buy m&m's after. Can you guess what his name is?
(The little circles under the baby are is his heartbeat. Just like the view from the ultrasound).

Since the twins took over Luke's old room we moved Luke up to the attic a couple of months ago. Whenever I tell our family that they make it sound like we kicked him to the dungeon like Cinderella. But really he has the best room in the house with the best view of the neighborhood.
That little building is a small market that is ten feet away from our house. It has become my best friend. So convenient and I trick the baggers into thinking that they are taking my groceries to my car but then I ask them to drop them off on our doorstep instead. Heaven!

What to remember:
Lately I have moved past the uncomfortable stage and into the painful stage.
My back, hips, pelvis and belly are always hurting and my stomach feels like I have burns all over it from the stretching.
I dread going to bed at night because I get really bad pains and cramps all night and every time I roll over I am out of breath for a good minute especially after adjusting all of those pillows!
I am pretty sure that my bladder is the size of a pea and everyone stares and asks "how much longer" whenever I go anywhere. Luckily people sympathize and assume that it is normal to look like this when you are prego with two.
I am always beyond tired and ravenously hungry.
Favorite foods: everything except peppers.
But... I have been so lucky because I haven't needed to go on bed rest at all and the boys are growing big.
The ultrasound last week measured the boys and baby A is about 5 lbs 13 oz and baby B is 5 lbs 6 oz. Looking good boys.
They have both been head down for a long time but baby b flipped last week. How he did that with no room, I do not know. My doctor still wants me to deliver without a c-section as long as A doesn't flip. He keeps reminding me that if B is still breech he will either pull him out breech or reach up and try to flip him around inside of me! Every time he tells me this it makes me want to stay pregnant for a few more months.
The ultrasound tech said that they really have no more room in there and she laughed at how contorted they were. It makes me feel so bad for them.
I am really proud of our little guys for going strong in there and we cannot wait to meet our friends! Please hurry we are dying to see you boys!


Dave and Luke had the best night ever sledding with our friends during the great snowstorm of 2011. All of the stores were sold out of sleds so they used garbage can lids and cushions from our garbage pile. They also built the biggest snowman of all time and plopped little Beau right on top. Dave's legs are apparently made of steel and never get cold because he chose to go sledding in his scrubs. The worlds thinnest pants.

Thanks for the hill and the pics Linsy! You are welcome to keep those beautiful cushions.