Sunday, January 13, 2008

Christmas in Utah- Part 1

We had a very fun and very eventful Christmas vacation in Utah! Too many pics to upload in one sitting so here is part 1. The time went by so fast and we were very sad to leave good old SLC! Christmas Eve! I love Christmas Eve dinner at the Owen's. I loved the egg nog, the ham, the potatoes, the only part I did not enjoy was walking in on Luke after who knows how long drinking toilet water! His first taste yet and it was not a merry sight for a germ-a-phobe mother! I wanted to Clorox his mouth and hands but Dave wouldn't let me!

The kids table.
Grandpa Owen reading to the boys.
Luke getting towed by his cousin Owen. He looved this but of course you can't tell by his poker face!Brunch at the Wagstaff's. The mellow buddies watching a movie at Rex's house.
Happy Birthday to me! The big 2-6 and I think officially one of my very fav b-days! How could it not be? Luke slept in followed by a scrumptious breakfast, presents, out to lunch, spa day with my mom, and a surprise party that night!

Best present of all!
Thanks for the special delivery, Creighton! Chocolate covered strawberries and flowers is what Dave's friend gives out for Christmas presents. I love him!
Dave, my mom and my friends threw me a fab surprise party! We never let the boys in the picture for some reason. PS congrats on the pregnancy Addie! We can't wait for another Wag!!
Luke, Kate and Rex the troublesome trio hanging out at the party.
The Leone family reunion at La Caille. My Grandpa Frank and his sister Rosalie giving a speech. So much Italiano pride!

Luke thought that La Caille was the coolest. He liked the ice domes, the million Christmas lights, the deer and the fish.

My favorite cousin Dylan and my aunt Ann after she snuck some cake to Luke.
I loved bundling him up... well for that first week anyway. It did get old and I am glad that I no longer have to do it in Az.

Jordan and Camilla's wedding-Dec 15th Jordan and Camilla were sealed in the temple by Jeffrey R. Holland (amazing) and had the reception at Memory Grove.

Yes, it is true...the Owen's can produce females! After 31 years and 10 grandsons Ava Elizabeth Snow has arrived and we are so excited! Ava with her mom Ashlee.
Luke and Dave all fancied up! Nothing better than a one year old in a tux!

My all time favorite picture! The Owen cousins.
Big browns.